The Magic of NaviDar! Here are some tips to live a Christmas with Purpose Published December 2022

Christmas is here! Families gather around the table to share great moments, to smile, to enjoy and keep in their hearts the beauty of this season. Surrounded by gifts and parties we may forget the central idea, the basis of this celebration: to thank, to share and to inspire.

In our Compañía Nacional de Chocolates Perú we are getting ready to celebrate this special time, to be grateful for what we have learned this year and for being part of the table of so many Peruvians with our delicious products. The magic is often translated into Winter’s panettones, we have translated it into the smiles that they produce.

For this reason, we want to give you some tips to enjoy a merry Christmas and start 2023 in the best way.

1. Give meaning and purpose to what you do

Routine can be the great enemy of dreams. It often makes us forget our purposes, goals and dreams, even in everyday life. Therefore, every day and in every action, try to think deeply about the meaning and purpose for which you do it. It is not a job, it is who you impact with it.

2. Take care of those you love the most and of yourself

Let’s take care of ourselves in order to take care of others. Always try to comply with all safety measures in the different environments of your life, both work and personal; if you take care of your health and integrity, you will be able to enjoy great moments with your family for much longer.

3. Give your best version to others

We must always be prepared to give our best. When we go the extra mile, both at work and in daily life, we can enjoy great rewards and provide our best version and the best results to those around us.

We will be there, with you on your way, giving wellness and sweetness to the families of Peru with our delicious products, committed in mind and heart, building and living together the magic of NaviDar.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

If you want to know more about our team CNCH, please visit and find out about new products and much more.

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